GBA art for Fire Emblem 7

Game 1: Fire Emblem 7: The Blazing Blade

System: GBA (emulated)

This week Joey is back to join me through FE7! We go through Chapters 11, 12, 13, and 13x. Marcus sweep, Rebecca sweep, Eliwood sweep somehow, and shock performers include Lowen and Oswain. Oswain takes 0 damage from everyone it is iconic of him.

After my draft with Joey and Jamie, I was limited to few units, as seen below:

Results of the FE7 draft shhhhh secret

In addition, any force deployed units can be used. I have encountered Eliwood, Marcus, Matthew, Merlinus, Oswain, and Serra so far. In Chapter 14, we get access to the deployment screen, so now I had to remove all undrafted units, leaving me with the 6! Luckily, Marcus sweep, so it'll be fine, but more challenging (which is a big plus).

My friend Joey joined me on stream this week! You can find him on Youtube and Twitch as well. I will be playing this again next week so maybe he will joining me then too.

PS: I fully updated the secret podcast page. Good luck finding it!

Watch live Wednesdays on Twitch or watch VODs on Youtube anytime!

You can see all the games I have on my backlist as well as my Backloggd with reviews on my about page.

let the vod come!