Game 1: Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch
System: Nintendo Switch
This week Loading and I just killed some bounties and then I did the first half of a dungeon and then I realized I needed to grind for star crystals so I could evolve Whambat so I did that. Last week we found out The Truth (did 1 dungeon). Next time we evolve clankety clanky.
We also played about 5 minutes of Granblue Fantasy Versus Fighting or something I don't remember. It ruined my stream quality so we had to stop. If it works next time I'll find the image for it and also remember the name.
Watch live Wednesdays on Twitch or watch VODs on Youtube anytime!
You can see all the games I have on my backlist as well as my Backloggd with reviews on my about page.